BMHW21 - An Offering of Meditation

Meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving mood, resilience, focus, and a sense of well-being. Meditation is a gift... one that you can freely give to yourself. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome self-sabotage, negative thoughts. Start with what you want to change. Both practices combined can help you achieve goals, manage stress, and have an overall better quality of life.

Kristen Hanna is a BSiC Storyteller that encourages mindful motherhood in her work and daily life. Kristen and her partner have started an apparel line, Be Free Apparel, as an opportunity to not only clothe the body but inspire and encourage others to break generational patterns and heal to live and love as freely as God intended. She has graciously gifted our listeners with an offering of meditation.

The intention of this meditation is for reframing and centering as you prepare for and navigate your birth. The hope that this pause allows you to tap within yourself. And the affirmations curated from snippets of BSiC community storyteller’s own experiences cover you in support. Pause. Tap in. Listen.
