Posts in International
49 | Wise African Woman - Moji Yaii

Moji is originally from Benin, West Africa, with childhood and adult living experiences in the United States and Benin. Living in her family home and having knowledge of family homebirth. Moji never felt fully assimilated into the culture in Florida and due to circumstances with her then partner returned to her hometown. Moji found a new midwife and began planning for her homebirth at her family home. All would fall into place and during her birth Moji connected with her labor support, which she handpicked for specific reasons to be present. She stayed mobile and utilized her tub to relax and bring her baby earthside.

Childbirth has helped Moji know herself, trust her body, and be comfortable with who she is. This has prompted Moji to return to Benin and learn more about the mother's postpartum care from within her family’s traditions. She is actively working to decolonize birth with her Wise African Woman Retreat. The Wise African Woman Retreat offers women and their families space to study, environment to explore, and community with whom to gather, learn, play, and expand knowledge.

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45 | A Blessing Amidst Covid-19 - Karabo Rankapole

Karabo joins us from South Africa to share her story of courage amid a changing world. She gave birth on April 6th, 2020, during the COVID-19 restrictions, which changed their birth plan so abruptly and drastically that it would alter all of her best-made plans.

When Karabo arrived at the hospital with her parents and awaiting her partner’s arrival. The door attendants simply stated, “This is where your journey ends, and hers begins.” They took her bags into the hospital, and while in labor, she separated from her loved ones to take on the task of giving birth to strangers in an unfamiliar space. She would later learn that her partner would be able to visit for one hour per day, but the visitation time would conflict with his work hours and the city’s newly implemented curfew to help reduce COVID-19 exposure. Every step further, she took into the hospital required a shift in her mind and spirit. She would come out of her labor delivery as a new being with tremendous strength, and her postpartum recovery continued to bring about change.

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30 | Breathing for Two - Uriah Boyd

In listening to her share her experience, Uriah could truly give a whole seminar on what trusting and listening to ourselves both physically and emotionally during pregnancy and birth entails. An aspect of her mental health that struck us was her process of letting go of who she was before the birth of her daughter. As she put it, "I had a funeral for my old self." This was important in allowing her to connect into who she would be after her daughters birth.

This introspection continued into her postpartum as she entered back into the space of intimacy and sex — not only for her relationship with her partner but also herself. Taking the time to rediscover what her body looked like, could do and enjoyed. It was refreshing to speak candidly with Uriah about how vital communication and vulnerability were in stepping back into that healing.

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19 | The Power Within - Alyestal Thomas

There are many emotions that pregnancy and birth can elicit from us. For Alyestal an emotion that covered her pregnancy was fear, fear of dying during childbirth. Her preparation, husband and midwife supported her in her birth. Specifically, in the moments when her birth plan shifted, and she needed an episiotomy and vacuum assistance. Because she had prepared in trusting her body and being flexible, Alyestal explains that she found her power through her daughter’s birth and continues as she navigates postpartum.

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