24 | Her Holistic Path - Olivyah Bowens

Olivyah Bowens two pregnancies and births were very different. With her first child, her circumstances didn't allow for her to prepare or truly connect to her pregnancy. Understanding the impact that it had on her birth, as she found out she was pregnant with her second child Olivyah became a sponge, soaking up all the information she could find. She expressed that the gathering of information was transformative for her, even leading her to become a doula.


It was wonderful to explore with Olivyah some aspects of parenthood preparation that sometimes go without focus. The mission behind her support of families and what she shares is the role of the mind-body connection. We currently live in a space where medical culture isn't valuing the power this connection possesses — realizing that it is essential that we discuss the role food and nutrition play in our pregnancy, birth and postpartum. That the most crucial preparation we do for birth starts in the mind, accepting and releasing the fear that we incapable of sitting in our strength.

Her Holistic Path began when Olivyah started posting intentionally on Instagram as a way to document her journey of holistic freedom. It has now shifted into a shared community space for other women doing the same!

In honor of Mother's Day, Olivayh will be highlighting the issue of Mommy Shaming. Using this to challenge us to help put an end to mommy shaming and create a space where we can share our journeys without being attacked or attacking others. Through May, she is discussing different aspects of motherhood and posing questions encouraging the community to answer.

If you would like to connect Olivyah, gather support or join the #noshame challenge head to Her Holistic Path for all the information.


Her Holistic Path | Instagram account

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