03 | Lessons Learned - Dasha Tate

Each of Dasha's birth stories is different. With her first child, she was a teen mother. While the journey was unexpected, she found her stride with the support of her family. Her second birth, she took control, from the moment labor started until she was holding her baby in her arms. For her last birth, Dasha exclaims that she's grateful. The state of her relationship with her husband at the time had taken a toll on her pregnancy and birth, yet she birthed her daughter with no complications. Her stories allow us to reflect on the importance of childbirth education, informed consent, trusting our bodies and being mindful of our relationships with others. 


During her first birth, Dasha explains that part of her experience involved "Birth Rape". This is a term being used that highlights the act of intimidation, threats, and coercion that occur during birth. It is a care provider ignoring a birthing person's refusal of the procedure or allowing the opportunity for consent. No matter where you decide to give birth, the care provider you choose or the choices you make throughout your birth, your experience should always be led by your voice! 

Dasha has taken the lessons she learned from her stories and uses them to help provide support to families as a birth and postpartum doula. For those in the community who are looking to support families in this way, Dasha wrote a blog piece providing details of trainers and organizations that provide doula training specifically for people of color. Check out this wonderful resource list here. If you are looking to connect with Dasha for doula support, check out her website, Faithful Birth


Fringe22 | Design & Creative Strategy 
Today's programming is in partnership with FRINGE22 design & creative strategy. A design studio focused on brand development and creative strategy aimed at connecting with people who are committed to social impact. For sneak peaks of their work, you can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram at @fringe22studio.