54 | Birthing at Home - Legaci Allong

Legaci Allong shared her planned unassisted, unmedicated, water-lotus birth in which she was supported by her husband, mother, and her other two children. Legaci and her family reside in Toronto, Canada, where many women birth with a midwife at home. Her first two pregnancies led her through a journey of self-discovery and determination.


Legaci always wanted to have an unassisted home birth but had refrained from moving forward during her previous pregnancies to help her husband be more comfortable and at ease during labor and delivery. She understood his apprehension as she states, “Most women don’t know how capable they are… He didn’t yet know what I was actually capable of.” They began preparing their home by creating a checklist of items and prepared their minds by watching “free birth” videos. Legaci continued to work with a midwife for general prenatal care while making decisions that didn’t include some of the usual standard procedures or practices. She made a point to note that she didn’t recommend an unassisted homebirth for everyone as there are factors to consider regarding health, safety, and an understanding of one’s self. Knowledge of self and sharing who she was and her personal beliefs with her provider early on created space for her to follow her instincts. She shifted the narrative in her experience by not allowing her medical chart to be the only information provided about who she was.

When the time came for her labor to start, she stayed in tune with her body and kept her husband abreast of how she felt. He joined her in preparing and documenting the experience. Legaci shared how accomplished she felt the moment her son was delivered. Her sons were able to witness her birth, their baby brother into her arms. After choosing a lotus birth, Legaci was able to take her time and move slowly in the first few days of postpartum. Life with two older children would prove to be a test on her need to rest and heal. As you tune in to listen, Legaci wants to encourage women to know how strong they are, feel safe during birth, and maintain control of what they can.



Legaci Unmedicated Unassisted Home Water Birth | https://youtu.be/kkijlbGF8mA

Legaci Unmedicated Home Birth of 2nd Child | https://youtu.be/s2zCCat9aZE