Posts tagged Birthing Traditions
54 | Birthing at Home - Legaci Allong

Legaci always wanted to have an unassisted home birth but had refrained from moving forward during her previous pregnancies to help her husband be more comfortable and at ease during labor and delivery. She understood his apprehension as she states, “Most women don’t know how capable they are… He didn’t yet know what I was actually capable of.” They began preparing their home by creating a checklist of items and prepared their minds by watching “free birth” videos. Legaci continued to work with a midwife for general prenatal care while making decisions that didn’t include some of the usual standard procedures or practices. She made a point to note that she didn’t recommend an unassisted homebirth for everyone as there are factors to consider regarding health, safety, and an understanding of one’s self. Knowledge of self and sharing who she was and her personal beliefs with her provider early on created space for her to follow her instincts. Legaci shared how accomplished she felt the moment her son was delivered. Her sons were able to witness her birth, their baby brother into her arms. She wants to encourage women to know how strong they are, feel safe during birth, and maintain control of what they can.

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49 | Wise African Woman - Moji Yaii

Moji is originally from Benin, West Africa, with childhood and adult living experiences in the United States and Benin. Living in her family home and having knowledge of family homebirth. Moji never felt fully assimilated into the culture in Florida and due to circumstances with her then partner returned to her hometown. Moji found a new midwife and began planning for her homebirth at her family home. All would fall into place and during her birth Moji connected with her labor support, which she handpicked for specific reasons to be present. She stayed mobile and utilized her tub to relax and bring her baby earthside.

Childbirth has helped Moji know herself, trust her body, and be comfortable with who she is. This has prompted Moji to return to Benin and learn more about the mother's postpartum care from within her family’s traditions. She is actively working to decolonize birth with her Wise African Woman Retreat. The Wise African Woman Retreat offers women and their families space to study, environment to explore, and community with whom to gather, learn, play, and expand knowledge.

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