Posts tagged Abortion Stories
50 | Birthing Our Ancestors - Barakah Sahaiel

This is a story about loss - miscarriage & abortion.

Barakah Sahaiel is a multi-faceted artist and birth worker who shared her personal experiences with pregnancy. She had a public passing of her fetus that she kept a secret for two years - personal shame kept her from sharing until she started Birthing Our Ancestors with her best friend. Sharing her stories of abortion and miscarriage (spontaneous and elective abortions) and finding new language to describe her experiences helped her release and begin to heal. Barakah was able to reframe her mindset and release herself from the shame that some mothers who have miscarried continue to carry with them.

Birthing Our Ancestors was born and became Barakah’s healing space. They invited women and men to engage in group therapy and conversation surrounding pregnancy loss. The sessions include a meal, group therapy, open dialogue, and an art project that supports womb trauma. Birthing Our Ancestors celebrates the connection between the spiritual and physical world of birthing both life and death.

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