Posts tagged Reproductive Justice
68 | Claris Health - Talitha Phillips

Talitha Phillips, CEO of Claris Health, joined us to share their origin story, mission, and ongoing work. Claris Health is a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles, California, that focuses on providing no/low-cost medical services for families focusing on perinatal care.

Talitha shared her experience balancing being a birth and postpartum doula and leading Claris Health as the CEO. She was first introduced to Claris Health as a patient after a pregnancy loss. The care and attention given to her led her to want to work for the organization and support women’s health. Their comprehensive services list includes prenatal care, mental health services, volunteer doulas, pregnancy loss support, adoption support, and a newly added mobile health clinic. They focus on information gathering and helping clients determine what they need when they arrive for their first appointment going beyond a pregnancy test. The conversation centers on the unique needs of each individual when they walk into the space.

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62 | Your Community Midwife - Nikki Helms

Nikki Helms has supported families as either a doula or midwife for over 15 years. Answering the call of family-centered care has led her down the path of wanting to own and open a free-standing birth center in Clairemont, California. Centralized care within the community and directly for the community. While it will be a space of inclusive reproductive health focus, she also envisions it as a community hub. A space offering education, resources, mental health support, donation-based services, and collective support for anything you might need in a particular season of your life — a space full of abundance and accessibility.

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49 | Wise African Woman - Moji Yaii

Moji is originally from Benin, West Africa, with childhood and adult living experiences in the United States and Benin. Living in her family home and having knowledge of family homebirth. Moji never felt fully assimilated into the culture in Florida and due to circumstances with her then partner returned to her hometown. Moji found a new midwife and began planning for her homebirth at her family home. All would fall into place and during her birth Moji connected with her labor support, which she handpicked for specific reasons to be present. She stayed mobile and utilized her tub to relax and bring her baby earthside.

Childbirth has helped Moji know herself, trust her body, and be comfortable with who she is. This has prompted Moji to return to Benin and learn more about the mother's postpartum care from within her family’s traditions. She is actively working to decolonize birth with her Wise African Woman Retreat. The Wise African Woman Retreat offers women and their families space to study, environment to explore, and community with whom to gather, learn, play, and expand knowledge.

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37 | Bringer of Light - Anique & Ali Russell

The theme of this year's Black Maternal Health Week is, Centering Black Mamas: The Right to Live and Thrive - we feel that Anique and Ali's birth story aligns beautifully. When they found out they were pregnant, Anique and Ali wanted this birth experience to be different. They became intentional about their preparation. Researching birth outcomes for black women, being clear on Anique's health, receiving support from a black care provider, and support from a black doula. That intentionality provided them the tools and confidence to find power in their voices and their family's story.

"Our daughter's name means Bringer of Light. During my second pregnancy, I gained peace with my birthing process. I learned so much information regarding black maternal health, what it means to have a doula, my body, and a wonderful breastfeeding journey thus far! I feel I have a light that I am ready to pass on to other mama's!!" - Anique

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35 | The Strength of a Mother - Mela Murder

When asked what image she saw in her mind of her family, Mela replied with, " I am the chief, and I am holding it down." Her birth stories highlight the importance of representation in care and understanding your rights as a patient.

During her first pregnancy, Mela was supported by midwives and planned to have her baby at the birth center. As with many of our birth stories, her plans shifted. After going into spontaneous labor and arriving at the hospital, she learned that there was meconium (a baby's first poop). The doctors informed her that because of this, they were giving her 24 hours to deliver her baby, and would need to start her on Pitocin to help her labor progress faster. What stands out to Mela, is that she didn't know what was happening throughout her experience, including never consenting to the episiotomy she was given. Her second pregnancy allowed her to connect the dots from her first, and she prepared to have a birth led by her voice. Mela has found strength in her journey and story, those experiences have given her the tools to be the mother she is today, and to support other mothers to feel empowered as well.

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23 | From the ROOTT - Jessica Roach, MPH

In honor of Black Maternal Health Week we had the opportunity to interview CEO and co-founder Jessica Roach, MPH about the mission and work of Restoring Our Own Through Transformation (ROOTT). ROOTT is a Black women-led reproductive justice organization dedicated to collectively restoring our well-being through self-determination, collaboration, and resources to meet the needs of women and families within communities. ROOTT was created by a collective who view the issues surrounding maternal and infant health as a consequence of structural and institutional racism.

This interview we delve deep into what taking back our reproductive choice and care can indeed look like — the work it takes to sit in our communities truth and power.

We must always go back to the root! - Jessica Roach, MPH

We are grateful for sponsors of this episode and other ROOTT activities this week. We would also like to acknowledge the Black Mamas Matter Alliance and all the Kindred Partners and collaborators for dedication to Black Mamas and families.

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