Posts tagged Home Birth Transfer
137 | Birthing Joyfully Through the Unexpected - Beatriz Gutierrez

A seemingly normal pregnancy was quickly unraveled when Beatriz received the news that she had preeclampsia. She had been managing a plan to birth at home with a hospital-based midwife to support any medical challenges and a homebirth midwife to support the birthing space she wanted. At the top of the list item was a midwife that spoke Spanish, as her husband is a monolingual Spanish speaker. Unfortunately, her blood pressure (BP) readings at 36 weeks with the homebirth midwife were too high, causing her to refer Beatriz to the hospital for care. She would no longer be eligible for a homebirth after it was confirmed that protein was present in her urine. Not only did her plan fall apart, but she no longer felt she would have the safety of her home because she was scheduled for an induction at 37 weeks. The homebirth midwife accompanied her and her husband for the induction, and she helped her manage the interventions. She didn't know how much she would need to self-advocate, but things took a turn as her care provider didn't align with her preferences.

The messaging Beatriz had received from people in her circle had focused on a healthy baby arriving safely. Beatriz wanted to uphold the same priority level to how her baby would arrive safely. She went home for a couple of days by signing an AMA (Against Medical Advisement) form. Beatriz saw herself heading towards a surgical birth, and she pushed pause on the induction.

During this time Beatriz leaned into her own source as she communicated with her homebirth midwife monitoring her own BP and baby's heart rate at home. When she noticed a rise in her BP, she reported back to the hospital and started the induction over. The conversation of breaking her water came up again, but she refused and stated that she would wait for the next nurse on shift to check her cervix. The new midwife told her that the baby was too high and it would be dangerous to break her waters. Beatriz felt defeated as labor progressed slowly, even flirting with a cesarean just for it to end. But she had the love and support of her husband and sister and would eventually push her daughter out safely. She was no longer having to fight because she accomplished her goal while maintaining herself and the newborn child's health. She was able to have a hospital birth, but on her terms, at her pace, with a birth team that supported her fully. Most of her birth and postpartum team were Latina women who heard her and answered the call.

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131 | Unplanned Homebirth - Erica Maddox

Joining us for her second birth story share, Erica Maddox came back with a whole new set of skills as an experienced birth worker, allowing her to show up for herself in a way that helped her create an experience that helped her heal. Erica was a teen mom when she experienced early delivery with her first child. Twelve years later, she would deliver her son early, but she prepared herself for that happening, as she asked to have her cervix measured throughout the pregnancy. Awareness and preparation proved to be critical components of having the birth she wanted.

Labor would be intense and quick, but it was familiar, and Erica had called her sister to the home as she made preparations for her oldest child, whom she hadn’t planned for, to be there. Erica was intentional about not shifting the plan or boundaries with her daughter in which she had not prepared for that role. She and the baby went to the hospital, accompanied by her sister. Erica shared that she had delivered the baby at home and was coming to be checked out. The hospital staff greeted them with lots of questions and astonishment. They were ready to start their protocols, but Erica made them pause and advocated to maintain their bonding time. They relaxed a bit once they knew she was a birth worker. Her self-advocacy allowed her to maintain a gentle transition of environment for her and her newborn.

In the spirit of intentionality, Erica created a plan for her postpartum care to protect her mental and physical health. Building a healthy support system has been the key to developing a healthy family structure for their family. Removing the superwoman persona and allowing her world to shift and change as needed with grace is proving to be the best practice.

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104 | Choosing Joy - Dadriaunna Hayes

Dae joined us to share her beautifully intertwined birth stories of loss and joy reclaimed. She experienced the unexpected loss of her first child during the early part of her third trimester. She began a healing journey that included therapy, where she started journaling. The process proved therapeutic and taught her how to make space for herself and rebuild her trust in God.

Dae worked through the waves of grief and discovered she was pregnant again; this time, it was during a pandemic. She gathered her team, created an active morning routine, and simply chose to enjoy the pregnancy. They planned for a birth at home and put in the work to make it happen by hiring a midwife and doula. After managing through over 20 hours of labor, they decided to transition to the hospital. She continued to labor without progressing and found herself at peace at how birth would unfold and welcomed her son via surgical birth.

Dae has adopted a belief of motherhood as a joyous experience. She has developed a community online that has centered the scripture referencing beauty for ashes. She is now holding space for women who have experienced some form of loss and want to exchange that grief for a new experience of joy and beauty.

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66 | Universal Language - Heather Gallagher

In thinking about what she wanted for her birth, she wanted it to be full of choices and led by her voice. For Heather, that meant a strong birth team of doulas and midwives, having a homebirth, and following her body and baby's lead. At about 45 weeks, after a walk under the full moon, Heather's water broke, and things began moving pretty fast. After laboring for about four to five hours, Heather was pushing, yet she would be stopped suddenly by her midwife, expressing to her that they would need to head to the hospital, making it clear that this was an emergency. Her son's head was stuck behind her pelvis and would need support from forceps for his arrival.

Heather's postpartum journey has had its hills and valleys. Dealing with postpartum depression and anxiety for about three and a half to four years, a diagnosis that she didn't get until her son was two and a half - " I knew I was in it, but I didn't know what it was, I just thought this was my new normal." While also working through her mental health, she was navigating her nursing journey. Due to the forceps, her son needed cranial sacral therapy to get his jaw back in alignment, impacting his beginning of nursing. But they were able to find their rhythm until he was about five and a half. A dance they worked through continuously figuring out what worked for them. All of this is a testament to her spectrum of life, an aspect that Heather takes into her work.

Heather considers herself a full spectrum photography - documenting all facets and stages of life, from the time you enter the world, through the life you lead, and upon your transition into death. Understanding the vulnerability and trust needed for capturing these experiences with authenticity, Heather's work is "extremely inclusive, empathetic and intimate" aspects that she also takes to support families as a full spectrum doula again honoring life and death. She is hoping that with her new project within Life's a Spectrum, she can unveil new parts for people about themselves. An ability to look at the layers of their life, the emotions they have carried, where they set their boundaries and limits, but most importantly, what's their center and where they always come back to.

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